10 Effective Home Remedies For Dark Circles To Make Your Eyes Beautiful

I love Indian food. I particularly love traditional Indian curries - the likes of which you rarely find in Indian restaurants. Restaurant curries, however are what most people think of when they think of Indian food.

Other than the natural cures for bacterial vagiosis above, you can also try using apple cider vinegar and a hydrogen douche. They've been said to help treat BV.


One of the simplest home life saving ghee remedies for sweaty palms is to apply baby powder on the hands. It will prevent sweating. Use of antiperspirants such as aluminum chlorohydrate on the palms will prevent perspiration and is effective in drying sweat. Try to stay calm and control your anxiety and stress level, this will also help to reduce sweating.

The simplest pesto is green leaves pounded with salt and garlic. I don't put cheese or nuts into my pestos when I make them, as these ingredients spoil rapidly.

The Orange Peel Facial: Time to smell daringly citric! It's the most fruity of our acne home remedies. Peel the orange, flatten it with a tenderizing utensil or other blunt object (surprisingly, even a hammer works) and apply the peel to your acne area. (You can even go as far as taping it on your face). Leave on ghee ideas for 20 minutes and remove. Be careful not to snatch the tape off too fast. Ouch!



Another one of the home remedies for bacterial vagiosis is folic acid. Simply put, folic acid is just a vitamin. You can get folic acid from a health store. Folic acid has a few good health benefits. And one of them is helping women with BV.

When eating at an Indian restaurant, take a look at how the food has been cooked. This is another superb tip! Fried, battered and crispy describe unhealthy ways to cook food, where as grilled, steamed and boiled resemble healthier options. This will save you hundreds and hundreds of more calories per dish. Your waistline will be grateful!

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